
The Trusted Executive (logo)

Journey of Trust Programme

You are ready to commit to role-model the nine habits of trust across the senior leadership team as the catalyst in building a purpose-led, high performance culture based on the values of trust and challenge.

You have a clear focus on the triple bottom-line and tangible objectives for results, relationships and reputations that need to be achieved in the next 9-12 months.

You have already engaged with the nine habits of trust via a keynote or workshop programme and there is a groundswell of commitment to put trust at the heart of your leadership culture.

You want to lead the way and for your brand to be associated with being part of the solution to the ‘trust crisis’ in our institutional life.

Request a call back today to find out how the Journey of Trust
can benefit you and your business.


The Journey of Trust programme comprises a number of blended learning components that are delivered over a period of 10-12 months for a cohort of 12-15 trust champions drawn from the senior management population of the organisation.

Triple bottom line goals will be agreed for the Journey of Trust programme covering the areas of results, relationships and reputation. These goals will provide the focus and backbone for the overall programme.

The leadership trust habits will be developed with the help of an accredited executive coach, peer support from executives sharing the journey, tailored workshops focusing upon specific habits and a suite of e-learning resources.

At the heart of the programme will be the use of a unique 360 feedback tool that will assess the participant against the nine habits of trust and so identify strengths and areas for development. This tool will be used again at the end of the programme to measure progress against the nine habits.

For a detailed view of the Journey of Trust programme please download the Journey of Trust FAQ .

Journey of Trust Case Study – Ambassador Theatre Group


The evidence that this programme works comes from the academic rigour that has been used to develop the nine habits of trust model that lies at the heart of the programme. The nine habits model has been verified through research conducted at Aston Business School which demonstrates that 51% of the challenge of building a high trust culture relies upon improving the trust-building skills of the senior management population.

The nine habits model itself has been derived from interviews with 30 CEOs/MDs and results of surveying over 500 senior leaders in the private, public and third sectors.

Additionally, the programme uses the power of executive coaching to develop the nine habits. A coaching approach is consistent with identifying and reinforcing good habits and behaviours and as a catalyst for significant and sustainable change. The popularity of coaching as a key leadership and management performance enabler is now an acceptable norm.

Read our case study on how such a programme helped Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust deliver results, relationships and reputation.

Request a call back today to find out how the Journey of Trust
can benefit you and your business.

What else do I need?

The journey of trust programme can be extended to form a wider organisational change initiative involving other levels of the leadership organisation.

To make the initiative scalable in this way, we would train an internal team of trust champions to act as the internal facilitators and coaches that can cascade the Journey of Trust programme into specific functions or change management initiatives.

Staffordshire County Council logo

‘The Trusted Executive has challenged me and my senior leadership team to rely upon the power of trust, rather than trust in traditional power structures. Through keynote speaker sessions, trust surveys, executive coaching and team workshops, John Blakey and his team have inspired us to incorporate their unique ‘nine habits of trust’ model into our organisational values and business strategy. Based on my experience as a major-general in the British Army, and now CEO of a large public-sector organisation, I am convinced that only organisations that put trust at the heart of everything they do will deliver the triple bottom-line of results, relationships and reputation. I look forward to pursuing further the journey of trust and encourage other like-minded business leaders to step up to the trust-building challenge.’

John Henderson CB, CEO, Staffordshire County Council

This is not ‘business as usual’ 1-2-1 executive coaching but a coherent, integrated programme that will enable organisations to build organisational trust and so achieve triple bottom-line goals involving results, relationships and reputation. The programme enables a ‘win/win’ between helping individual leaders at the same time as achieving specific organisational objectives with both aspects informed by leading-edge academic research on trust.

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    Join a community of like-minded leaders to support and challenge each other as we undertake the Journey of Trust.

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