Author: Dr John Blakey

Blog Archives

There’s no hiding away from it, unfortunately. There is huge economic uncertainty in the country right now. In just the past few weeks, we’ve seen some of the largest mortgage providers withdraw packages, the pound fall to its lowest point ever against the dollar and the energy crisis take its toll on thousands,

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How has October rolled around again already? As we’re heading towards Q4 in the business world, children have been back to school a few weeks and it isn’t always easy getting back into the swing of things after six weeks of summer. We sat down with Dr John who reminisced on his childhood and how this time of year has set him up for the successful career he’s proud of today.

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Learning and Development has been hailed as the Superpower of the Decade which has resulted in the immense growth in the number of people with the job title of Chief Learning Officer (CLO) across organisations of all sizes.

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The importance of trust is often overlooked by organisations and their leaders. As trust is intangible, it can be difficult to assess without a mechanism in place to measure it by. We’ve found that most organisations lack such means of measurement, so trust falls by the wayside.

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There are lots of reasons why businesses struggle with trust in leadership – after all, no two businesses are the same. Sometimes, it’s because of a dysfunctional culture that doesn’t allow the right behaviours to exist. Sometimes it’s down to leaders that know they need to make changes,

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We’ve heard the phrase “command and control” many times in our careers and it’s not necessarily fitting to a 2022 workforce. Leaders tend to steer away from commanding people and employees certainly don’t want to be controlled. If we don’t want to command and control in a 21st Century workplace,

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You’ve probably heard of the famous saying “it takes two to tango” and this is no different for the dance of trust. According to a recent Forbes article, 59% of people say they will not trust somebody until they have proven why they should be trusted.

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At The Trusted Executive, our mission is to create a new standard of leadership that is defined by trustworthiness. We feel that we are currently going through a pivotal shift in the way teams are led. The shift we see is from leaders who are trusted in power to leaders who rely on the power of trust.

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‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes’  – Marcel Proust

My favourite image from lockdown was the picture of the Himalayas taken from the village of Pathankot in northern India. Despite 400,000 cases of coronavirus and 13,000 deaths,

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In the past month, our team has engaged over 200 CEOs and board-level leaders from around the world. We have delivered many virtual individual, team and conference sessions on the topic of handling the COVID-19 crisis and helping leaders use the Nine Habits of Trust model to step up to the new challenges.
