Habit No.7: Choosing to evangelize
Leaders who exercise this habit set a positive tone and inspire confidence in others. They have the unwavering belief that the mission will be successful and they share this message with the team and with the wider stakeholders.
Two Minutes on Trust: Listen to Dr John Blakey and Fiona Furman, Communications Manager at NAHL Group plc, discussing Habit No.7 in ‘The Nine Habits of Trust – Choosing to Evangelise’.
Habit 7 Choosing to Evangelise
October 20, 2021
In this 50-minute episode of The Trusted Executive podcast, Dr John Blakey, David Wetton and Fiona Furman take a deep dive into Habit number 7 – Choosing to Evangelise.
The Nine Habits of Trust in Action: Choosing to Evangelise at NAHL plc
Thank you to Simon Trott, CEO, PI Division, NAHL plc for this guest blog from someone who is ‘walking the talk’ with the Nine Habits of Trust:-At National Accident Helpline, it was time spent thinking and reflecting, following a team conference event, which led us to the concept of ‘evangelism’. ...Read more ›Trusted Executive Foundation Interview with Stephen Bird, CEO of The Vitec Group
Stephen has been Group Chief Executive at The Vitec Group since 2009. Vitec is a leading global provider of premium branded products and solutions to the fast moving and growing “image capture and content creation” market. Customers include broadcasters, independent content creators, photographers and enterprises. Vitec employs around 1,800 people across the world in 13 different countries. In this interview, Stephen shares his reflections on trust and how it has been a crucial factor in the success of Vitec, even though it has not always been named and identified as a key performance measure.
Read more ›Trust Habit No.7: The Awesome Power of Evangelism
There is nothing like eating your own dog food.
At a recent Trusted Executive training day, I completed my own self-assessment exercise based on the Nine Habits of Trust. It was a revealing experience which I then had the opportunity to de-brief with another coach in the AoEC team. I expected we would focus exclusively upon my weaker habits of being open and being kind, but, to my pleasant surprise, we also worked on a hidden strength – the habit of evangelising. As a result of the coaching, I committed to being more open to sharing my personal stories of being a successful evangelist. So, in writing this blog, I hope I am exercising two habits for the price of one!
Read more ›Creating a sense of purpose through the triple bottom-line
According to Nick Craig and Scott Snook in their recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article ‘From Purpose to Impact’, fewer than 20% of leaders have a strong sense of their individual purpose and even fewer can distill their purpose into a concrete statement. As of Monday, the members of my Vistage advisory board are not guilty of these particular leadership sins. Indeed, they have gone one step further than writing down their courageous goals by sharing them with each other and challenging themselves to take the first step towards their achievement.
Read more ›
The Art of Evangelism
May 2015 by Guy Kawasaki in Harvard Business Review, hbr.org
“Evangelism” became a business buzzword during the internet boom of the late 1990s. In fact, as Apple’s second software evangelist, I helped popularize the term. The idea is simple: Derived from a Greek word that means, roughly, “to proclaim good news,” evangelism is explaining to the world how your product or service can improve people’s lives…
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